Why Improved Energy Efficiency is Important Right Now

December 20, 2023

Energy efficiency is important for many reasons on a personal, commercial, and global level. As an individual, you can save money and contribute to a reduced carbon footprint. Yet businesses and countries must also meet energy demands and help people save money domestically.

Prices are Always Rising

As you are probably well aware, the cost of energy is rising constantly. Since 2021, the cost of gas and electricity has spiraled out of control, with the average UK household paying over £2,500 per year. And there is no sign of it slowing down, with prices set to rise again in January 2024. Using energy efficiently is the only choice you have to meet the cost. A windows replacement scheme, installing new heating systems, and updating an older home will help.

Energy Efficiency is Important to Meet Demand

There is also a population issue in the world today, and more and more of us need to be taken care of. This means using cooling systems as the world's average temperature increases. Year after year, we are seeing warmer winters and hotter summers, both of which strain the demand for integrated citywide systems. It is estimated that for every 1°C rise above 24°C, electricity demand increases by 4%, which is used by cooling HVAC systems across US states like Texas.

Renewables Don't Equal More

A shift towards renewable energy can help reduce carbon around the world and provide clean and potentially cheaper energy. However, there is some confusion over this. Renewables will not magically change how much energy we need. No matter the energy source, we will always need the same amount to meet demand, and simply building expensive nuclear, wind, and solar installations drives costs. The trick is in lowering demand with efficient use of energy.

Property Sales Rely on Certification

If you own your home, then you need to take note of energy efficiency. An energy certificate stating the efficiency of your home is required in order to make a sale. For instance, you will need an Energy Performance Certificate (UK) that rates your home. Here's how to improve it:

  • Replace the lighting in your home with LED bulbs and smart controls.

  • Have the insulation replaced or improved in the walls and the attic.

  • Install double or triple-glazed windows to keep the heat inside your home.

  • Replace your boiler if it is between 15 and 20 years old and struggling.

Your home EPC is rated from A to E, much like electrical appliances. Home maintenance for the best standard of energy efficiency helps a sale for sure. But it also future-proofs the home and helps lower carbon emissions as a whole with some work that isn't even really that hard to do.

Quicker Decarbonization Efforts

Further to lowering carbon emissions, the quicker, the better. As we have been told time and time again, the clock is ticking to a point of no return. Energy efficiency on a global scale can help us meet the deadline and targets set out by some of the world's leading experts and signers of the Paris Agreement. Relying on renewable energies alone isn't sustainable, and the whole system needs assistance from businesses, governments, and the public in efficiency.

Energy Efficiency is Important to Lower Costs

As citizens, we know the cost of energy is having a massive impact right now. However, it also affects broader systems, such as the powering of cities and states. Upgrading the efficiency of nationwide power systems can have a major impact on the costs, effectively bringing them down for the consumer. It is estimated that we could save billions by 2050 across the US and beyond with a 95% decarbonized grid that doesn't need to produce as much power as it does right now. 

Improved Sustainability 

A sustainable world is a more efficient world, and vice versa. Today, we all know about sustainability and its importance, and it must be supported. Energy efficiency can help with this both in the short term and in the long term. Lowering consumption of all products, not just energy, drives a common shift towards net zero goals. We must be proactive in our approach as consumers, businesses, and citizens of governments, all acting for the greater good.


Dealing with rising costs is a reason why energy efficiency is important right now. It also helps to have good knowledge of this matter for selling your home. And we can meet sustainability goals as a world and together by using energy and other products in a more efficient way right now.

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