Admitting You Have A Problem Is Not Weakness - It Is Profound Strength

August 23, 2019

Have you ever had a moment in your life where you gave up the ghost? Perhaps someone noticed you were acting differently or you were seemingly distancing yourself. You didn’t want to admit it to yourself, but you were. You had real fear of them finding out, and then when they did, they were understanding. You then told them the truth, and they hugged you. You wondered just why you were being so evasive in the first place, when the truth and compassion can mostly heal all.

If you have experienced that - you’re likely thinking back to that visceral feeling you felt then. If not, you might wonder what this is like, or what life scenario could get you to that point. It might be that you’re still in that process of being evasive, especially with yourself. What actually matters is your health, and how you are right now. For that reason, admitting you have a problem is absolute strength, and never weakness. This can lead the truth to burn away all the rotten wood of your personality - and it can help you move onto new beginnings.

But how do you start this? Let us offer some empathetic advice to this end:

Consider Your Habits

To some, it can be very hard to admit they have a problem. This is because they are deceiving themselves. If you feel as though your life is not normal and yet you’re not letting yourself see why - consider your habits. Do you always ensure that you have at least two bottles of wine in the refrigerator? Are you the first one at the bar and the last one there? Look at your bank balance - how much have you spent on taxis and takeout food after a night of drinking? It’s concrete evidence like this that can make us truly aware of the problems we have been causing, and this can make many of us have to face objective reality. It can be hard to do this, but it might be the best thing you’ve done for yourself yet. Then, objective solutions, such as attending an alcohol rehab center, might be your best bet.

More Social, Not Less

A large sign of a personal problem is that you spend much time alone, potentially pushing away friends and family while hiding your habit. In fact, the remedy to this is becoming more social, not less. When you have people around you (good people), you are more inclined to stay on the straight and narrow. We keep each other in check, and that can be a tremendously important consideration. It is too easy for those in isolation to drift, and to justify everything to themselves. When you are social, that veneer fades away. It is this that can help you admit you have a problem.

Believe Things Will Get Better

Things will get better. It’s not a matter of if. You just have to believe it, and use this as the springboard to get you through the uncomfortable beginnings of a new path in life. You might be fearful, but you’ll know in your soul that you’re following a worthwhile direction to this end.

With this advice, you are certain to admit you have a problem - and be stronger for it.

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