Summer is when the highest power bills are usually seen due to the increasing heat. For some reason, it doesn't seem to take as much energy to stay warm as it does to remain cool in the increasing heat. With power costs rising and the economy taking a downward turn there are some tips for lowering your power bill during the summer that can be rather useful when they are put into practice.
The air conditioning is the first of the summer electricity consumers that can be reduced to lower the amount of the power bill. Making sure that the unit is in proper working order at the beginning of the summer is the first thing that has to be done, so it's best to give a firm like Albert Culver Company a call to get your system serviced. This will aid in assuring that the unit is cooling properly and not wasting electricity. The filter should be changed on a regular basis to ensure that the unit does not become clogged. The vents should be free of items that can block the airflow in rooms that you are using, close the vents in rooms that you do not use to redirect the air flow.
The thermostat of the unit should be set around 78 degrees or higher if you can stand it. The auto function on the thermostat will ensure that the temperature remains the same in the home without running all day long. If you still have individual room air conditioners you can use them only in the rooms that are occupied. At night or when you are going to be gone for an extended period of time the thermostat on the air conditioner can be turned up a little higher to keep from cooling the home instead of the occupants.
Dressing for the weather and incorporating fans to circulate the air will help you to resist the urge to turn the thermostat down as low as it will go. Blocking the heat from entering the home through the windows will help to keep the temperature consistent. You can purchase window film covering rather inexpensively; if you don't have the money for it you can use blankets to black out the windows in the rooms of the home that don't often have guests in them. Making sure that all doors and windows are free of leaks will go a long way to keeping hot air out and cold air in.

Using electricity providers that offer competitive rates can also make a big difference. Check what your rates are at the company you’re currently using and also those of the competitors, chances are you’re paying more than you ought to. Some companies who specialize in solar- and wind energy production even offer special rates for green energy that can potentially take a big chunk out of your electricity bill at the end of the month. Also, look at providers that offer exceptional customer service and professional advice on how to cut costs and what would work best for your home and lifestyle.
Laundry is another place that the power bill can be reduced during the summer. Washing only full loads of laundry in cold water will save on the costs of heating the water. The dryer is convenient but it can increase the energy bill especially during summer when it puts heat into the house. If you must use the dryer use it in the evenings when it's not as hot. To avoid using the dryer you can wash your clothes in the mornings and hang them outside to dry. It will only take a couple of hours for them to dry and there will be no electricity used; if you can't do them in the mornings you can do them in the evenings and place them on hangers or on drying racks to dry them.
Cooking is another area where power bills can be reduced during the summer. Avoid using the oven whenever possible; if you insist on using the oven then do it at night when it's not as hot to avoid increasing the amount of heat in the house. Use burners the same size as your pots and place lids on them to keep the heat from escaping. If you have one day off and can find the time you can cook up multiple meals and freeze them. The microwave uses less energy than the stove for cooking most items, use it whenever possible to make meals. Summer is a great time for grilling out.
Wash a full sink of dishes at once and rinse them in a half of the sink of cold water. The dishwasher should be run with full loads and the air dry setting used. Hot water in the shower adds to the power bill and doesn't do anything to help you cool off. Taking shorter showers in cooler water will help to reduce the power bill as well.
Daylight last longer in the summer so take advantage of the light and work in the yard when it's comfortable out in the evenings. Utilize natural light in the house and put off turning the lights on just a little longer. Lights are a source of heat in the home if you still use the old fashion incandescent bulbs. Switching even one of the most used lights in the home to an energy efficient bulb will save you money on power.

Chargers use power even when nothing is being charged on them. Be sure to unplug charges when the items on them are fully charged. Do not leave the electronics in the home on standby when you leave or go to bed at night. Turn them completely off, even if this means unplugging them. All leaving them on standby does is to use power even if it's less power than they would use when they are on.
These are just a few things that can aid in lowering your power bill during the summer. A look around the home will give you several more ideas to decrease your power consumption and save you money during the summer.
Cooking is another area where power bills can be reduced during the summer. Avoid using the oven whenever possible; if you insist on using the oven then do it at night when it's not as hot to avoid increasing the amount of heat in the house. Use burners the same size as your pots and place lids on them to keep the heat from escaping. If you have one day off and can find the time you can cook up multiple meals and freeze them. The microwave uses less energy than the stove for cooking most items, use it whenever possible to make meals. Summer is a great time for grilling out.
Wash a full sink of dishes at once and rinse them in a half of the sink of cold water. The dishwasher should be run with full loads and the air dry setting used. Hot water in the shower adds to the power bill and doesn't do anything to help you cool off. Taking shorter showers in cooler water will help to reduce the power bill as well.
Daylight last longer in the summer so take advantage of the light and work in the yard when it's comfortable out in the evenings. Utilize natural light in the house and put off turning the lights on just a little longer. Lights are a source of heat in the home if you still use the old fashion incandescent bulbs. Switching even one of the most used lights in the home to an energy efficient bulb will save you money on power.

Chargers use power even when nothing is being charged on them. Be sure to unplug charges when the items on them are fully charged. Do not leave the electronics in the home on standby when you leave or go to bed at night. Turn them completely off, even if this means unplugging them. All leaving them on standby does is to use power even if it's less power than they would use when they are on.
These are just a few things that can aid in lowering your power bill during the summer. A look around the home will give you several more ideas to decrease your power consumption and save you money during the summer.
Leading a healthy, balanced lifestyle when you have a job and a family to think about can seem tricky at the best of times. Busy parents often put their own needs after everything else, and can find it difficult to make themselves a priority. If you relate to this - do not fret. It’s in human nature as a species to make caring for children a priority over any other task, so it’s fairly natural for you to be left behind somewhat. However, it is not acceptable for you to stop considering your must basic needs, and forfeit your wellbeing as a result. Taking small steps to improve your health and take a bit of time for you as a busy working parent will prove so many different aspects of your life, and really couldn’t be any more simple to start. If you’re feeling a little run down and in need of a bit of TLC, read these tips and tricks to stay on top form through whatever life throws at you.
You Are What You Eat!
The food that you eat is the fuel that your body uses to give you the energy that you need to make it through the day, whilst repairing and growing new cells; essentially putting some truth into the phrase ‘you are what you eat’. Ease and convenience are often the two main contributing factors that are considered when preparing a meal for yourself, so fast food and ready meals often take your pick over home cooked nutritious dishes. The damage that this will do to your body is extreme, and the health implications for your heart and other organs of failing to provide yourself with the vitamins and minerals you need to function and thrive can be serious in the long run. When it comes to preparing a meal for yourself healthy doesn’t necessarily mean time consuming, as there are many quick nourishing dishes you can cook in less time than it might take to drive to the local junk food outlet to order something more dangerous. Your children will also pick up on every choice you make, and base their own habits on the way that you act as you are their main role model from a very early age. If that thought worries you, then this most likely means that your diet probably isn’t up to scratch. Eating healthily needn’t be so hard; start off small by replacing your usual snacks with raw fruit and vegetables to instantly upgrade your vitamin intake. Cut bad carbohydrates from your plate, replacing them with a complex alternative such as brown rice or sweet potatoes, and opt for lean meats like chicken, or oily fish for beneficial protein.
When Did You Last Work Out?
If you can’t remember the last time that you went to the gym or dug your yoga mat out of the garage, its probably time for you to put your trainers on and do something about it. Exercise is so important to both your mental and physical well being, and it’s recommended that you get up to at least 30 minutes of sport or activity 5 times a week in order to feel the full benefits. Finding time to workout as a busy working parent may seem difficult on the surface, but its vital that you make an effort to try nonetheless. Even by taking your lunch outside to accompany a brisk walk on your lunch break at work, you will be able to take the first step to improving your health. Anything is better than just sitting down on the sofa to watch TV for the rest of the night when you get home, so instead of doing this just switch on the music channel and have a dance party in the living room with your kids, Making your heart race and burning up a sweat doesn’t have to be done in a conventional way, even putting a bit more effort and vigour into the housework can blitz a surprising amount of calories. Encouraging your children to (literally) follow in your footsteps is important for their development too, as kids are often very active and have a lot of energy to burn. Helping to create an initial positive perception of exercise for your little ones will be so valuable for their long term health and vitality, so set the right example and show them how it’s done.
...And If The Worst Were To Happen
Though its terrible to think about, the effect that your unhealthy habits might have on your life could be colossal. The implications of a bad diet can impact upon the way you exist and survive each day, and can increase the likelihood of you being subject to damage. Various risks and dangers arise from an unhealthy lifestyle, and even when seeking treatment for these you could encounter further issues. Top personal injury lawyers can help you with the financial side of things if you’re faced with an immediate troubling situation, but you have to take your own steps to get your health checked out regularly to reduce the likelihood of suffering long term from underlying issues. If you have developed diabetes from your bad food habits, ensure that you keep the necessary medication and equipment with you at all times, and make your colleagues aware of your issue and what to do in a crisis. Take responsibility for the cause, but establish the importance of following the right steps if the worst were to happen. Planning for the future is important too, so consider looking at health insurance companies in jacksonville fl (or wherever you live) to ensure you're covered should your health take a turn for the worse.
Hopefully, this guide can help you to discover some easy tips on how you can keep your health in check whilst having the responsibilities that come with being a busy working parent. Do not overlook any aspect of your lifestyle, as this could be having a harmful effect on your body and mind without you knowing. Eat a nutritious diet, exercise regularly, and keep control of your health issues in order to live your daily life with vigour and vitality.
You Are What You Eat!
The food that you eat is the fuel that your body uses to give you the energy that you need to make it through the day, whilst repairing and growing new cells; essentially putting some truth into the phrase ‘you are what you eat’. Ease and convenience are often the two main contributing factors that are considered when preparing a meal for yourself, so fast food and ready meals often take your pick over home cooked nutritious dishes. The damage that this will do to your body is extreme, and the health implications for your heart and other organs of failing to provide yourself with the vitamins and minerals you need to function and thrive can be serious in the long run. When it comes to preparing a meal for yourself healthy doesn’t necessarily mean time consuming, as there are many quick nourishing dishes you can cook in less time than it might take to drive to the local junk food outlet to order something more dangerous. Your children will also pick up on every choice you make, and base their own habits on the way that you act as you are their main role model from a very early age. If that thought worries you, then this most likely means that your diet probably isn’t up to scratch. Eating healthily needn’t be so hard; start off small by replacing your usual snacks with raw fruit and vegetables to instantly upgrade your vitamin intake. Cut bad carbohydrates from your plate, replacing them with a complex alternative such as brown rice or sweet potatoes, and opt for lean meats like chicken, or oily fish for beneficial protein.
When Did You Last Work Out?
If you can’t remember the last time that you went to the gym or dug your yoga mat out of the garage, its probably time for you to put your trainers on and do something about it. Exercise is so important to both your mental and physical well being, and it’s recommended that you get up to at least 30 minutes of sport or activity 5 times a week in order to feel the full benefits. Finding time to workout as a busy working parent may seem difficult on the surface, but its vital that you make an effort to try nonetheless. Even by taking your lunch outside to accompany a brisk walk on your lunch break at work, you will be able to take the first step to improving your health. Anything is better than just sitting down on the sofa to watch TV for the rest of the night when you get home, so instead of doing this just switch on the music channel and have a dance party in the living room with your kids, Making your heart race and burning up a sweat doesn’t have to be done in a conventional way, even putting a bit more effort and vigour into the housework can blitz a surprising amount of calories. Encouraging your children to (literally) follow in your footsteps is important for their development too, as kids are often very active and have a lot of energy to burn. Helping to create an initial positive perception of exercise for your little ones will be so valuable for their long term health and vitality, so set the right example and show them how it’s done.
...And If The Worst Were To Happen
Though its terrible to think about, the effect that your unhealthy habits might have on your life could be colossal. The implications of a bad diet can impact upon the way you exist and survive each day, and can increase the likelihood of you being subject to damage. Various risks and dangers arise from an unhealthy lifestyle, and even when seeking treatment for these you could encounter further issues. Top personal injury lawyers can help you with the financial side of things if you’re faced with an immediate troubling situation, but you have to take your own steps to get your health checked out regularly to reduce the likelihood of suffering long term from underlying issues. If you have developed diabetes from your bad food habits, ensure that you keep the necessary medication and equipment with you at all times, and make your colleagues aware of your issue and what to do in a crisis. Take responsibility for the cause, but establish the importance of following the right steps if the worst were to happen. Planning for the future is important too, so consider looking at health insurance companies in jacksonville fl (or wherever you live) to ensure you're covered should your health take a turn for the worse.
Hopefully, this guide can help you to discover some easy tips on how you can keep your health in check whilst having the responsibilities that come with being a busy working parent. Do not overlook any aspect of your lifestyle, as this could be having a harmful effect on your body and mind without you knowing. Eat a nutritious diet, exercise regularly, and keep control of your health issues in order to live your daily life with vigour and vitality.
We all need a sweet treat! Okay, maybe four or five! You know we could celebrate life's little victories more! I made it through the week and I haven't killed anyone yet! I deserve a cupcake! But not just any cupcake! A White Chocolate Coconut Pecan Cupcake! Being a Georgia girl I LOVE pecans. Yes, I say PEE-CANS! We have 5 pecan trees in our yard and are hoping that the hurricanes and squirrels will be kind to us this year and not knock our pecans out of the trees before they are ready like they have the past 2 years. Sorry, I kinda went off on another subject there! Back to cupcakes! The mix of pecans, coconut, and white chocolate make this a decadent treat! I used vanilla frosting on these but would also be amazing with cream cheese! These would be perfect for a family gathering. The recipe can also be used as a sheet cake or layered cake.

- 1/4 lb. of White Chocolate
- 1 cup of Butter
- 2 cups of Sugar
- 4 eggs
- 2 and 1/2 cups of Flour
- 3/4 of a teaspoon Baking Soda
- 1 teaspoon of Baking Powder
- 1 cup of Buttermilk
- 1 cup of Coconut
- 1 tablespoon of Vanilla
- 1 cup of Pecans (crushed)
- 1 tube of Vanilla Frosting or Cream Cheese Frosting
Preheat oven to 400 degrees and grease the cupcake pan.
In a large mixing bowl cream together the butter and sugar. Add in eggs one at a time, mixing well with each egg.
Melt the white chocolate in your microwave. It's best to melt with short 15 to 20-second intervals in the microwave, stirring between cycles being careful not to burn it. Add melted chocolate to above mixture SLOWLY so that you do not cook the eggs.
In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking soda, and baking powder.
Add the flour mixture slowly to the wet ingredients, alternating with buttermilk, and mixing continuously.
Once well blended, add in coconut, vanilla, and pecans. Mix very well to incorporate and distribute ingredients throughout the batter.
Pour batter into cupcake tins and bake for about 15 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.
Let the cupcakes cool completely and frost each cupcake. You are easy to enjoy and MAYBE even share!
I hope you all enjoy these and make them really soon! Click HERE to get your printable copy. Come back soon for more of our Southern favorites!
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, are you ready to celebrate? A Disney Legend for a New Generation Comes Home On Digital,4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and Movies Anywhere June 25!
Disney’s fantasy live-action adventure directed by Tim Burton, the story follows circus owner Max Medici (Danny DeVito), who enlists former circus star Holt Farrier (Colin Farrell) and his children Milly (Nico Parker) and Joe (Finley Hobbins) to care for a newborn elephant whose oversized ears make him a laughingstock in an already struggling circus.
But when they discover that Dumbo can fly, the circus makes an incredible comeback, attracting persuasive entrepreneur V.A. Vandevere (Michael Keaton), who recruits the peculiar pachyderm for his newest, larger-than-life entertainment venture, Dreamland. Dumbo soars to new heights alongside a charming and spectacular aerial artist, Colette Marchant (Eva Green), until Holt learns that beneath its shiny veneer, Dreamland is full of dark secrets.
This Dumb inspired Cheesecake Ball will be perfect for your family to enjoy while watching the movie or hosting a movie inspired circus party.

Dumbo cheesecake ball
2 - 8oz cream cheese, softened
1 C unsalted sweet cream butter softened
1 pkg sugar cookie mix
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 C powdered sugar
1 1/2 C chopped frosted animal cookies
Red gel food coloring
Red and White sprinkles
Using a standing mixer, beat the cream cheese and butter until combined

Mix in the sugar cookie mix, powdered sugar, red gel food coloring, and vanilla extract until combined
Fold in the frosted animal cookies

Lay piece of plastic wrap onto the counter and scoop the cream cheese mixture onto it
Wrap the dough ball in the plastic wrap and form a ball
Wrap more plastic wrap around the ball twice to make sure its secure
Place into the freezer overnight
Remove from freezer and unwrap
Place the sprinkles into a shallow baking dish
Roll the cream cheese ball into the sprinkles, making sure that it is fully covered

Wrap the ball back up in the plastic wrap and place back into the freezer
Remove from freezer 1 hour before ready to serve

"Hi, Baby Jumbo. Welcome to the circus. We’re all family here. No matter how small." - Milly Farrier
Dumbo cheesecake ball
2 - 8oz cream cheese, softened
1 C unsalted sweet cream butter softened
1 pkg sugar cookie mix
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 C powdered sugar
1 1/2 C chopped frosted animal cookies
Red gel food coloring
Red and White sprinkles
Using a standing mixer, beat the cream cheese and butter until combined

Mix in the sugar cookie mix, powdered sugar, red gel food coloring, and vanilla extract until combined
Fold in the frosted animal cookies

Lay piece of plastic wrap onto the counter and scoop the cream cheese mixture onto it
Wrap the dough ball in the plastic wrap and form a ball
Wrap more plastic wrap around the ball twice to make sure its secure
Place into the freezer overnight
Remove from freezer and unwrap
Place the sprinkles into a shallow baking dish
Roll the cream cheese ball into the sprinkles, making sure that it is fully covered

Wrap the ball back up in the plastic wrap and place back into the freezer
Remove from freezer 1 hour before ready to serve
The All-Star Cast Returns in the Exciting Third Installment of the Descendants Series!
Available on Disney DVD August 6th
Available on Disney DVD August 6th
Featuring Never-Before-Seen Bonus Material Including a Blooper Reel, Deleted Scenes
and Under The Sea: A Descendants Short Story!
and Under The Sea: A Descendants Short Story!
We at Wrapped Up N U would also like to express our deepest sympathy all the fans of Cameron Boyce. Your memory and magic will live on in these movies.
Synopsis: This highly anticipated Disney Channel Original Movie continues the contemporary saga of good versus evil as the teenage daughters and sons of Disney's most infamous villains - - Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay (also known as the villain kids or VKs) -- return to the Isle of the Lost to recruit a new batch of villainous offspring to join them at Auradon Prep. When a barrier breach jeopardizes the safety of Auradon during their departure off the Isle, Mal resolves to permanently close the barrier, fearing that nemeses Uma and Hades will wreak vengeance on the kingdom. Despite her decision, an unfathomable dark force threatens the people of Auradon, and it's up to Mal and the VKs to save everyone in their most epic battle yet.
Cast: Dove Cameron as Mal, Cameron Boyce as Carlos, Sofia Carson as Evie, Booboo Stewart as Jay; Mitchell Hope as Ben; Sarah Jeffery as Audrey; Jadah Marie as Celia; with Cheyenne Jackson as Hades; and China Anne McClain as Uma.
Cast: Dove Cameron as Mal, Cameron Boyce as Carlos, Sofia Carson as Evie, Booboo Stewart as Jay; Mitchell Hope as Ben; Sarah Jeffery as Audrey; Jadah Marie as Celia; with Cheyenne Jackson as Hades; and China Anne McClain as Uma.
Director: Kenny Ortega (“High School Musical” franchise)
Exec Producers: Kenny Ortega, Wendy Japhet (“The Italian Job”), Josann McGibbon (“Runaway Bride”) & Sara Parriott (“Runaway Bride”), Susan Cartsonis ("Freaky Friday")
Music Composer: David Lawrence
Choreographers: Jamal Sims and Kenny Ortega
Release Date: August 6, 2019
Release Format: DVD
Bonus Features: Blooper Reel
Deleted Scenes
Under The Sea: A Descendants Short Story
Music Composer: David Lawrence
Choreographers: Jamal Sims and Kenny Ortega
Release Date: August 6, 2019
Release Format: DVD
Bonus Features: Blooper Reel
Deleted Scenes
Under The Sea: A Descendants Short Story
Ratings: TV-Y (US); G (Canada)
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1 Widescreen (Enhanced for 16x9 Televisions)
Audio: English 5.1 Dolby; Spanish and French Dolby Digital
Subtitles: English SDH, French & Spanish
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1 Widescreen (Enhanced for 16x9 Televisions)
For over 90 years, The Walt Disney Studios has been the foundation on which The Walt Disney Company was built. Today, the Studio brings quality movies, music and stage plays to consumers throughout the world. Feature films are released under the following banners: Disney, including Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios; Disneynature; Marvel Studios; Lucasfilm; and Touchstone Pictures, the banner under which live-action films from DreamWorks Studios are distributed. The Disney Music Group encompasses the Walt Disney Records and Hollywood Records labels, as well as Disney Music Publishing. The Disney Theatrical Group produces and licenses live events, including Disney on Broadway, Disney On Ice and Disney Live!
Not all workplace dangers are obvious. Some can cause more gradual, long-term damage rather than causing immediate injury. Guarding yourself against these hidden health hazards could be just as important as guarding yourself against more obvious dangers. If you feel that you have suffered long term or are noticing things aren't quite right after being in a compromising workplace for a long time then you should make a claim. If your workplace are refusing to cooperate or are making life in the workplace more difficult for you because of a compensation claim, you should click here to speak to experts who can help you be treated fairly.
Stress is often said to be the biggest killer. This is because it can increase the risk of fatal conditions like cancer and heart disease. It’s also linked to non-fatal but still serious conditions like hypertension, IBS and migraines.
Almost all jobs have their brief moments of stress. The danger arises when a job causes chronic stress – this put a greater toll on the body, increasing blood pressure for longer periods and preventing the mind and muscles from relaxing. Chronic stress can also affect your mental health, bringing on feelings of anxiety and depression.
You may be able to beat stress by engaging in destressing activities. This could include listening to music, taking a hot bath, meditating or exercising. You should also give yourself enough breaks from work – be careful of working too many hours and allow yourself holidays.
On top of this, you should consider the things that are triggering stress, whether it’s having to meet deadlines or deal with difficult colleagues. There may be ways of relieving responsibility or diffusing tensions with people in order to reduce stress. If this isn’t possible and the stress is getting you down, your best option may be to quit your job and find something less strenuous.
Sitting down too long
Sitting down all day behind a desk or behind a steering wheel could also be causing damage to your health. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to weight gain, which can lead to a myriad of health problems on its own from diabetes to arthritis. Physical inactivity is also not good for your heart and could increase the risk of heart disease or a stroke.
Making an effort to be more active is the simple solution to this health danger – although this can be easier said than done. Whilst you may be able to get up from your desk every few minutes to walk around, you may not be able to do this with a driving job. In such cases, doing more exercise out of work hours could help you to keep your health in check.
Poor posture
It’s important to consider your posture when performing certain tasks – specifically repetitive ones. Poor posture often leads to RSIs (repetitive strain injuries), caused by positioning the body in a way that isn’t comfortable for too long a period of time.
Employers are more often being encouraged to promote good posture in the workplace. This could include crouching instead of bending when picking up a heavy object (this can reduce the risk of long-term back injuries).
In other cases, correct posture may be something you need to learn yourself. For instance, when typing on a keyboard, you can often avoid wrist issues by having your elbows horizontal to the keyboard. Meanwhile, having the monitor directly in front of you can prevent strain to your neck. You can learn more posture tips at sites like Posturite.
Noise exposure
Exposure to loud noise over a sustained period can lead to hearing loss. Work environments where this is the case may include factories, construction sites, airports and nightclubs.
Employers are now required by law in many places around the world to provide earplugs, which can muffle the sound and prevent damage to the ears. However, whilst employers may be legally required to supply earplugs, it may not be mandatory for employees to wear them. If this is the case in your workplace, make sure that you are wearing them – earplugs may not be cool, but they could save your hearing.
Poor lighting
Working in insufficient light can cause eye strain. This could include working on a computer with too dim a screen, or trying to do detailed craft work in low lighting. Whilst there is nothing to suggest that low lighting can cause permanent eye damage, it could cause temporary discomfort and lead to headaches.
Light that is too bright can also be harmful. Such light could in fact cause more permanent damage to the eye – certain equipment such as lasers should only be operated with safety glasses as a result.
Poor air quality
A lot of health problems can also be caused by poor air quality. These tend to be largely respiratory problems. Too much dust has been linked to asthma, whilst substances such as mold and asbestos in the air can lead to more serious conditions like legionnaires and mesothelioma.
A good workplace should be well ventilated to keep the air clean from any dust or pollutants. Air conditioning units meanwhile should be regularly serviced to prevent build-ups of dust and mold. There may also be jobs in which you may be legally entitled to be supplied with a mask. This could prevent you from breathing in harmful chemicals. With regard to dangerous chemicals, these should be safely stored in STOREMASTA chemical storage containers, to reduce the risk to human health, damage to property, and pollution of the natural environment.
You should look into your rights to ensure that an employer is putting in place these health and safety measures. Certain respiratory problems like mesothelioma may not develop until years after exposure. Solicitors such as The NBA Law Firm may be able to help you gain compensation if you have fallen ill as a result of breathing in such a substance. This could help you to get the medical help you need.
Using unclean equipment
Unclean equipment could also be harming your health. Unhealthy amounts of bacteria on keyboards or hard hats that have not been cleaned could lead to you getting ill. It could even lead to skin conditions (unclean hard hats have been known to lead to scalp psoriasis).
Keeping equipment clean may be the responsibility of your employer, although in most cases it is the responsibility of the employees. Make sure that you are keeping a cleaning regime if it is your responsibility.
Hey y'all! I hope everyone is having a wonderful June! It's now officially summer...not sure how I feel about that! I'm more of a fall/winter girl. We have been so hot here in South Georgia with 1000% humidity! I'd much rather have the cool, crisp air! So we are back with the June Gramma in a Box. This months box was so cute and was based on Emojis and Minions. We had a little blunder this month and either did not take a photo of the box after it arrived or I deleted it. Either way, there is no before of all the items before we started....my bad! Anywho on with the show!
So what's in the box?
Each month you will receive three cookie and candy crafts with almost everything you need for a fun activity for kids of all ages. All boxes include homemade cookies, frosting, and sprinkles as well as candy activities such as marshmallow pops, chocolate dipped pretzels and more. Enough for 15 to 20 finished cookie/candy treats each month. Most boxes have a holiday theme and the candy and cookie projects will reflect that theme.The first project for the month was these super cute Emoji Pops! My kids loved these so and have already asked to make these again! Who wouldn't love a soft pillowy marshmallow covered in sweet candy melts with crunchy decorations!
The second project was Minion Bites! A fun easy treat...ummm I might have enjoyed each of these myself....DON'T JUDGE!
The 3rd project is always yummy sugar cookies. Who doesn't like to frost cookies? I know my kids do and they had a blast with these!
The Gramma in a Box subscription cookie craft boxes is so much fun. The price of the subscription boxes are amazing and you can try out one box before committing to a monthly subscription. Use the special coupon code 10off you can save $10 off your first box. That makes your first box only $10.00!
Just a reminder if you are thinking about ordering the next box you will need to place it by July 3rd. This would make a great box to share with anyone with summer break on its way!
We highly recommend visiting www.grammainabox.com where you can subscribe with an auto debit program for only $20 per month and the first box is only $10. There are several other options on her website as well. You can also follow her on Facebook Youtube and Instagram to see sneak peeks of the boxes for each month.

A Disney Legend for a New Generation Comes Home
On Digital, 4K Ultra HD™, Blu-ray™ and Movies Anywhere June 25
Extras explore how one of cinema’s most imaginative filmmakers and an award-winning
cast and crew collaborated with Disney to bring to life this beloved classic for the entire family
On Digital, 4K Ultra HD™, Blu-ray™ and Movies Anywhere June 25
Extras explore how one of cinema’s most imaginative filmmakers and an award-winning
cast and crew collaborated with Disney to bring to life this beloved classic for the entire family
BURBANK, Calif. (May 29, 2019) — “Dumbo,” the grand live-action adventure from Disney and visionary director Tim Burton, which expanded on the beloved animated classic and sent spirits soaring, prepares for a landing on June 25. Disney invites fans to fall in love again with this heartfelt story, in which differences are celebrated, family is cherished and dreams take flight, when it swoops into homes on Digital in HD and 4K Ultra HD™ and Movies Anywhere, and physically on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray™ and DVD — with never-before-seen bonus features, deleted scenes, Easter eggs, and bloopers.
Stunning extras will transport viewers to the set of “Dumbo,” where cast members Danny DeVito (circus owner Max Medici), Michael Keaton (opportunistic businessman V.A. Vandevere), Colin Farrell (war-veteran-turned-elephant- keeper Holt Farrier), Eva Green (stunning aerialist Colette Marchant), Nico Parker (Farrier’s daughter, Milly) and Finley Hobbins (Farrier’s son, Joe) share their personal stories of courage and character. Features explore how Disney’s timeless animated story was brought to life with an incredibly expressive, lovable, fully computer-generated baby elephant; the longtime collaboration of Burton, production designer Rick Heinrichs and costume designer Colleen Atwood, which resulted in jaw-dropping sets and costumes; and the creation of the visually colossal Dreamland parade sequence. Also included are nine deleted scenes, hidden and not-so-hidden Easter eggs, bloopers and a special performance of “Baby Mine” by Arcade Fire.
Stunning extras will transport viewers to the set of “Dumbo,” where cast members Danny DeVito (circus owner Max Medici), Michael Keaton (opportunistic businessman V.A. Vandevere), Colin Farrell (war-veteran-turned-elephant-
In “Dumbo,” struggling circus owner Max Medici enlists former star Holt Farrier and his children to care for a newborn elephant whose oversized ears make him a laughingstock. But when they discover that Dumbo can fly, the circus makes an incredible comeback, attracting persuasive but sinister entrepreneur V.A. Vandevere, who recruits the peculiar pachyderm for his newest, spectacular, larger-than-life entertainment venture, Dreamland.
“Dumbo” will be released in several different formats, giving families the flexibility to watch it on a variety of devices. Viewers can watch the film in Digital 4K UHD, HD and SD, and bring home a physical copy of the film as the 4K Ultra HD Edition (4K UHD, Blu-ray and Digital Code), Multi-Screen Edition (Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Code) and a single DVD.

We are so thankful to be working with Disney on the release of the Live-Action Adventure of DUMBO! How cute is this movie swag package we received? All ready for your next adventure and we get to bring DUMBO along! If you didn't get the chance to see the movie in theaters I HIGH recommend getting the digital or blu-ray to add to your Disney collection TODAY.
Bonus features include*:
- CIRCUS SPECTACULARS: Dumbo’s cast share their experience of making the film—and get to the heart of a story about family and believing in yourself.
- THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM: Explore how one of Disney’s most lovable characters went from an animated classic to a stunning live-action retelling.
- BUILT TO AMAZE: Get a closer look at the film’s production and costume design.
- DELETED SCENES: A compelling collection of scenes that almost made the final film.
- Roustabout Rufus
- Pachyderm Plans
- The Other Medici Brother
- Monkey Business
- A Star Is Born
- Where’s Dumbo
- Elephant Heist
- A Seat at the Show
- EASTER EGGS ON PARADE: Discover the hidden and not-so-hidden nods to the animated Dumbo in this narrated tribute to the Disney classic.
- CLOWNING AROUND: Laugh along with the cast in a collection of big-top bloopers and goofs from the set.
- “BABY MINE”: Visual video performed by Arcade Fire
- DREAMLAND – ANATOMY OF A SCENE: From Final Script to Final Scene: The filmmakers and cast talk a lot about the feeling of “grand intimacy” in the film. Step right up as they bring the Dreamland parade to life, accomplishing the rare marriage of a massive spectacle combined with an emotional tenderness.
Product SKUs: 4K Ultra HD (4K UHD+Blu-ray+Digital Code); Digital UHD, HD, SD; Multi-Screen Edition (Blu-ray+DVD+Digital Code); DVD and On-Demand
Feature Run Time: Approximately 111 minutes
Rating: US: Rated PG; CE/CF: Rated G (Bonus material not rated)
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
- 4K Ultra HD: English Dolby Atmos and 2.0 Descriptive Audio; Spanish and French 7.1 Dolby Digital Plus Language Tracks
- Blu-ray: English 7.1 DTS-HDMA and 2.0 Descriptive Audio, Spanish and French 5.1 Dolby Digital Language Tracks
- DVD: English, Spanish and French 5.1 Dolby Digital, English 2.0 Descriptive Audio Language Tracks
- UHD Digital: English Dolby Atmos (some platforms); English, Spanish and French 5.1 & 2.0 Dolby Digital; English Descriptive Audio 2.0 Dolby Digital (some platforms)
- HD Digital: English, Spanish and French 5.1 & 2.0 Dolby Digital; English Descriptive Audio 2.0 Dolby Digital (some platforms)
- SD Digital: English, Spanish and French 5.1 & 2.0 Dolby Digital; English Descriptive Audio 2.0 Dolby Digital (some platforms)
- 4K Ultra HD: English SDH, French and Spanish
- Blu-ray: English SDH, French and Spanish
- DVD: English SDH, French and Spanish
- Digital: English SDH, French and Spanish
Facebook: Facebook.com/DisneyDumbo
Website: Movies.Disney.com/dumbo-2019
Twitter: Twitter.com/Dumbo
Instagram: Instagram.com/Dumbo
The film stars Golden Globe® winner Colin Farrell (“In Bruges,” “The Lobster”) as war-veteran turned elephant-keeper Holt Farrier, Golden Globe winner Michael Keaton (“Birdman,” “Beetlejuice”) as opportunistic businessman V.A. Vandevere, Emmy® and Golden Globe winner Danny DeVito (“Batman Returns,” “Big Fish”) as circus owner Max Medici, and BAFTA Award winner and Golden Globe nominee Eva Green (“Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children,” “Dark Shadows”) as stunning aerialist Colette Marchant. Nico Parker and Finley Hobbins make their feature film debuts as Holt’s children, Milly and Joe.
The cast also includes Alan Arkin as powerful banker J. Griffin Remington, Roshan Seth as snake charmer Pramesh Singh, DeObia Oparei as strongman Rongo the Strongo, Joseph Gatt as a hunter named Neils Skellig, and Sharon Rooney as circus mermaid Miss Atlantis.
The creative team includes BAFTA-nominated cinematographer Ben Davis, BSC (“Doctor Strange,” “Guardians of the Galaxy”), Oscar®-winning production designer Rick Heinrichs (“Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi,” “Dark Shadows”), four-time Oscar-winning costume designer Colleen Atwood (“Alice in Wonderland,” “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”), editor Chris Lebenzon, ACE (“Alice in Wonderland,” “Maleficent”), and BAFTA Award-winning makeup designer Paul Gooch (“Alice in Wonderland,” “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children”).
Dumbo is directed by Tim Burton ("Alice in Wonderland," "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory") from a screenplay by Ehren Kruger ("The Ring," "Ghost in the Shell"), and produced by Justin Springer ("TRON: Legacy"), Kruger, Katterli Frauenfelder ("Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children," "Big Eyes") and Derek Frey ("Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children," "Frankenweenie").
Movies Anywhere simplifies and enhances the digital movie collection and viewing experience by allowing consumers to access their favorite digital movies in one place when purchased or redeemed through participating digital retailers. Movies Anywhere brings together the movies from Sony Pictures Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox Film, Universal Pictures (including DreamWorks and Illumination Entertainment), The Walt Disney Studios (including Disney, Pixar, Marvel Studios and Lucasfilm), and Warner Bros. Participating digital retailers are iTunes. Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, Google Play, Microsoft Movies & TV and FandangoNOW. Movies Anywhere offers a library of over 7,500 digital movies, including new releases, and will continue to expand the consumer experience as more content providers, digital retailers and platforms are added. Using the free Movies Anywhere app and website, consumers can connect their Movies Anywhere account with participating digital retailers and enjoy their favorite digital movies from the comfort of their living room and across multiple devices and platforms, including Amazon Fire devices; Android devices and Android TV; Apple TV; Chromecast; iPhone, iPad and iPod touch; Roku® devices, Windows 10 and Xbox devices; and popular browsers. Consumers can also redeem digital codes found in eligible Blu-ray Disc™ and DVD packages from participating studios and enjoy them through Movies Anywhere.
For over 90 years, The Walt Disney Studios has been the foundation on which The Walt Disney Company was built. Today, the Studio brings quality movies, music and stage plays to consumers throughout the world. Feature films are released under the following banners: Disney, including Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios; Disneynature; Marvel Studios; and Lucasfilm. The Disney Music Group encompasses the Walt Disney Records and Hollywood Records labels, as well as Disney Music Publishing. The Disney Theatrical Group produces and licenses live events, including Disney on Broadway, Disney On Ice and Disney Live!
Cinderella: Anniversary Edition, the newest release in the Walt Disney Signature Collection, On Digital and Movies Anywhere June 18 and on Blu-ray™ June 25
Fall in love with the magical story, enchanting characters, and exquisite artistry
of “Cinderella,” complete with two all-new extras and classic bonus material
In honor of its upcoming 70th anniversary, the timeless animated classic “Cinderella” waltzes into the highly celebrated Walt Disney Signature Collection and the hearts of a whole new generation. The enchanting tale, which showed us that dreams really do come true — and inspired countless fans to reenact the Royal Ball and Cinderella’s infamous midnight dash — arrives home Digitally in HD and Movies Anywhere on June 18, and on Blu-ray™ and DVD on June 25.
The Anniversary Edition of “Cinderella” offers two all-new extras: “Cinderella” trivia and fun facts, hosted by Ruth Righi and Ava Kolker from Disney Channel’s “Sydney to the Max,” and “In Walt’s Words: Enhanced Edition,” a special edition of “Cinderella” featuring fascinating production details, original storyboards, archival photos, thumbnail sketches and transcripts throughout the feature film. Hours of classic bonus material celebrates the masterful animation, memorable music and long-lasting impact of “Cinderella,” showcasing Walt Disney’s core group of animators, the art of Disney Legend Mary Blair, the original demo recording of the film’s title song and Cinderella’s iconic glass slipper.
A dream is a wish your heart makes....As a child, I can remember watching Cinderella and having different Disney Cinderella books. She was always my favorite. Then when I had my own daughter watching it again through her eyes. Watching her play dress-up and pretend she was a princess. I truly don't think we ever outgrow that love of a perfect fairytale. I was thrilled to have a chance to work with Disney on the release of Disney Signature collection..to fall in love all over again. I'd like to thank Disney for making a childhood dream come true with this spectacular Anniversary Edition collection they sent me.
Recently added to the prestigious National Film Registry, the animated classic centers on kind and hardworking Cinderella, who is ordered around by her cruel stepmother, her awful stepsisters — even the big clock in the church tower tells her when to start another day of drudgery. But they can't stop her from dreaming, and Cinderella has faith that someday her wishes will come true. When an invitation to the royal ball arrives, Cinderella is sure her time has come — until her stepsisters, with the encouragement of Lady Tremaine, tear her gown to shreds. Just when Cinderella believes all is lost, her Fairy Godmother appears, and with a wave of her wand and “Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo,” transforms an ordinary pumpkin into a magnificent coach and Cinderella’s rags into a gorgeous gown, then sends her off to the Royal Ball. But Cinderella’s enchanted evening must end when the spell is broken at midnight. It will take the help of her daring animal mice friends and a perfect fit into a glass slipper to create the ultimate fairy tale ending.
“Cinderella” is the ninth title to join the Walt Disney Signature Collection, which includes groundbreaking films created or inspired by the imagination and legacy of Walt Disney, featuring timeless stories and characters that have touched generations. The film takes its place alongside “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Pinocchio,” “Bambi,” “The Lion King,” “Lady and the Tramp,” “Peter Pan” and “The Little Mermaid.”
Try This Trivia on for Size – Join Ruth Righi and Ava Kolker from Disney Channel's Sydney to the Max and put your knowledge of Cinderella to the test.
In Walt’s Words: Enhanced Edition – Watch the movie and gain some insight into its production with storyboards, archival photos, sketches and transcripts.
Diane Disney Miller “Cinderella” Film Intro – In this introduction to the animated classic, Diane Disney Miller describes how Cinderella helped launch a studio renaissance.
The Real Fairy Godmother – Learn about the real-life inspiration for the Fairy Godmother: Mary Alice O’Connor, wife of Disney layout artist Ken O’Connor.
Behind the Magic: A New Disney Princess Fairyland – Discover how Imagineers created a Fantasyland at Walt Disney World featuring each of the Disney Princesses.
The Magic of the Glass Slipper – World-famous shoe designer Christian Louboutin creates a very exclusive “Glass Slipper” in honor of a beloved Disney classic.
Concept Art – View a gallery of concept art from the feature's production.
Character Model Sheets – View a gallery of character model sheets from the feature's production.
Story Sketches – View a gallery of story sketches from the feature's production.
Live-Action Reference – View a gallery of photos taken from live-action footage shot as a reference for the animated feature.
Pencil Animation – View a gallery of pencil animation from the feature's production.
Behind-the-Scenes Stills – View a gallery of behind-the-scenes stills from the feature's production.
Feature Stills – View a gallery of stills from the feature.
“Cinderella” Title Song
"A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes"
"Oh, Sing Sweet Nightingale"
"The Work Song"
"So This Is Love"
*Bonus features may vary by retailer
Product SKUs: Multi-Screen Edition (Blu-ray+DVD+Digital Code), Digital HD/SD
Feature Run Time: Approximately 75 minutes
Rating: G in US and Canada
Aspect Ratio: 16x9 1.33:1
Blu-ray: English 7.1 DTS-HDMA; Spanish & French Dolby Digital 5.1; and English 1.0 Dolby Digital
DVD: English, Spanish, and French 5.1 Dolby Digital
HD Digital: English 7.1 Dolby Digital Plus (some platforms), English 5.1 & 2.0 Dolby Digital, Spanish 5.1 & 2.0 Dolby Digital, French 5.1 & 2.0 Dolby Digital, English Descriptive Audio 2.0 Dolby Digital
BD Subtitles: English SDH, Spanish & French
DVD Subtitles: English SDH, Spanish & French
Digital Subtitles: English SDH, Spanish & French
Digital & DVD Captions: English
Facebook: Facebook.com/Cinderella
Website: Movies.Disney.com/Cinderella-1950
Instagram: Instagram.com/DisneyAnimation
YouTube: YouTube.com/user/DisneyMovies
Disney's Cinderella now dazzles in 4K Ultra HD! The classic fairy tale comes to life with all its spectacular colors, vibrant sound and breathtaking production design.
A Fairy Tale Comes to Life – Filmmakers and cast reflect on Cinderella’s enduring power, and the joys and challenges of bringing this iconic tale to life.
Costume Test Fun – See the work of Academy Award-winning® costume designer Sandy Powell (“The Aviator,” 2004) and share some lighthearted moments with the cast.
Staging The Ball – You’re invited behind the scenes for the making of the Palace Ball sequence, including its spectacular set, stunning costumes and more. It’s a lavish and massive undertaking … and a magical day on set.
Ella’s Furry Friends – Discover how the movie’s animal stars honed their memorable performances.
Alternate Opening: Ella’s Childhood – View moments from Ella’s idyllic childhood that do not appear in the movie. With an introduction by Director Kenneth Branagh.
Frozen Fever – It’s Anna’s birthday, and Elsa and Kristoff are determined to give her the best celebration ever — but when Elsa catches a cold, her powers may put more than just the party at risk.
*Bonus features may vary by retailer.
Cate Blanchett as Stepmother (“Blue Jasmine,” “Thor: Ragnarok”), Lily James as Cinderella (“Baby Driver,” “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again”), Richard Madden (TV’s “Game of Thrones”) as Prince, Stellan SkarsgÃ¥rd (Marvel’s “Avengers” franchise, “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again”) as Grand Duke, Holliday Grainger (“The Finest Hours,” “Jane Eyre”) as Anastasia, Derek Jacobi (“Tomb Raider,” “The King’s Speech”) as King, and Helena Bonham Carter as Fairy Godmother (“Ocean’s Eight,” “Alice Through the Looking Glass”)
David Barron (“Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle,” “Harry Potter” franchise), Simon Kinberg (“Deadpool 2,” “X-Men: Days of Future Past”), Allison Shearmur (“Solo: A Star Wars Story,” “The Hunger Games” franchise)
Kenneth Branagh (“Murder on the Orient Express,” “Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit”)
Patrick Doyle (“Murder on the Orient Express,” “Brave”)
Chris Weitz (“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” “About a Boy”)
June 25, 2019
4K Multi-Screen Edition (4K UHD+BD+Digital Code)
Approx. 105 minutes
US: Rated PG; CE/CF: Rated G (Bonus material not rated)
4K Ultra HD: 2:39:1
4K Ultra HD: English Dolby Atmos, English DVS 2.0 Dolby Digital, French 5.1 Dolby Digital, Spanish 7.1 Dolby Digital Plus
English SDH, Spanish, French
Facebook: facebook.com/cinderella
Website: movies.disney.com/cinderella
Twitter: twitter.com/cinderellamovie
Instagram: instagram.com/disneycinderella
The Walt Disney Signature Collection includes groundbreaking films created or inspired by the imagination and legacy of Walt Disney, featuring timeless stories and characters that have touched generation. Each release will offer special features for every member of your family plus a unique digital experience. To date, the collection includes “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Pinocchio,” “Bambi,” “The Lion King,” “Lady and The Tramp,” “Peter Pan” and “The Little Mermaid.”
For over 90 years, The Walt Disney Studios has been the foundation on which The Walt Disney Company was built. Today, the Studio brings quality movies, music and stage plays to consumers throughout the world. Feature films are released under the following banners: Disney, including Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios; Disneynature; Marvel Studios; and Lucasfilm. The Disney Music Group encompasses the Walt Disney Records and Hollywood Records labels, as well as Disney Music Publishing. The Disney Theatrical Group produces and licenses live events, including Disney on Broadway, Disney On Ice and Disney Live!.
Combining masterful artistry and storytelling with groundbreaking technology, Walt Disney Animation Studios is a filmmaker-driven animation studio responsible for creating some of the most beloved films ever made. Located in Burbank, WDAS continues to build on its rich legacy of innovation and creativity, from the first fully-animated feature film, 1937's “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” to 2013's Academy Award®-winning “Frozen,” the biggest animated film of all time. Among the studio's timeless creations are “Pinocchio," “Sleeping Beauty,” “The Jungle Book,” “The Little Mermaid,” “The Lion King,” “Big Hero 6” and “Zootopia.”
Movies Anywhere simplifies and enhances the digital movie collection and viewing experience by allowing consumers to access their favorite digital movies in one place when purchased or redeemed through participating digital retailers. Movies Anywhere brings together the movies from Sony Pictures Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox Film, Universal Pictures (including DreamWorks and Illumination Entertainment), The Walt Disney Studios (including Disney, Pixar, Marvel Studios and Lucasfilm), and Warner Bros. Participating digital retailers are iTunes. Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, Google Play, Microsoft Movies & TV and FandangoNOW. Movies Anywhere offers a library of over 7,500 digital movies, including new releases, and will continue to expand the consumer experience as more content providers, digital retailers and platforms are added. Using the free Movies Anywhere app and website, consumers can connect their Movies Anywhere account with participating digital retailers and enjoy their favorite digital movies from the comfort of their living room and across multiple devices and platforms, including Amazon Fire devices; Android devices and Android TV; Apple TV; Chromecast; iPhone, iPad and iPod touch; Roku® devices, Windows 10 and Xbox devices; and popular browsers. Consumers can also redeem digital codes found in eligible Blu-ray Disc™ and DVD packages from participating studios and enjoy them through Movies Anywhere.
Unfortunately, injuries are a part of life. Our bodies aren’t perfect. They certainly aren’t infallible. We get injured pushing ourselves too hard in the gym or playing team sports. You might even get hurt tripping up a pavement slab or by slipping on a wet day walking around the park. Some injuries are sustained during a serious accident, perhaps on the roads or at work. You might even find yourself struggling with a severe back injury after picking up your child or doing work in your garden. Even the fittest and healthiest of people that always warm up before working out and look after their bodies the best that they can, can’t avoid all injuries and most of us sustain at least a minor injury at some point in our lifetimes.
Minor injuries tend to be easy to cope with. You might need to take some time away from your usual exercise routines and even take a few days off work. A doctor might send you for an X-ray in Lake Hopatcong, NJ or elsewhere nearer to you if they feel it's necessary. In addition, they may recommend some light physio, but usually, a mild injury won’t have a massive impact on your day-to-day life. You might need help managing your pain, but as long as you get the appropriate rest, you should be able to go about your day to day tasks without too many changes.
But, what about when your injury is more serious? When it’s so bad that you need extensive recovery time. You might not be able to go to work, and you might struggle to move at all, let alone exercise. When this happens, and your life is affected in every way, it can be hard to get back to normal even when your injury does start to feel better. You must seek professional help from a doctor and a lawyer in such situations. A lawyer can help you get what you are legally liable for, thus helping reduce the financial burden on you, especially during such difficult times. You can read more here about how a lawyer can help you.

Get Help and Advice
If you have suffered a severe injury and someone else was at fault, you might be able to get aid from injury lawyers who can handle traumatic brain injuries, which could be a massive help if your injury means that you need to take some time off work and your income suffers. Of course, different lawyers will specialize in different cases, even within the world of personal injury. For example, those who have suffered at the hands of medical professionals will more than likely be cases for expert medical solicitors to deal with, whereas those who have been injured on the road will need to seek out the appropriate accident lawyer. But, that’s certainly not the only kind of help that is available to you.

Take it Slowly
Getting back to exercise is great for your body. It will give your circulation a boost, which can speed up your recovery. But, it will also help to strengthen your muscles and stop your joints from getting too stiff. When you can, moving is good for you.
But, don’t make the mistake of thinking that because your body has started to feel better, it will be able to get back to normal straight away. If you’ve been away from exercise for a long time, your fitness levels and muscle mass will have dropped, and it won’t be able to do the things that it used to. How severely you are impacted will depend on how long you’ve been out and the type of injury that you sustained.
Before your body is ready to get back to normal, you might want to use the time to try different exercises. If you can’t use your legs, spend time increasing the strength of your arms. Move as much as you can, whenever you can. But, don’t push yourself too hard, and rest as much as you need to. Then, when you are ready, start very, very slowly. Go for short walks, adding a little time each week. To aid in your recovery, you could consider visiting a massage parlour and incorporating a deep Tissue massage in Pflugerville, TX (or in an area near you) into your routine. This can help alleviate muscle tension and improve circulation, which supports your gradual return to fitness. Go to your local gym and ask a trainer to help you build a fitness program to help you build strength and stamina gradually, instead of rushing yourself.
Get Lots of Rest
With a serious injury, you might be forced to take time off work as well as exercise. Returning to work, however, might seem much easier. If you’ve got a desk job, or are otherwise able to sit down for a lot of your day, you might not think that it will be difficult to go back. But it will. If you’ve been doing nothing but rest and recover for weeks, going back to work will be both physically and mentally exhausting.
If possible, go back slowly, working just a few hours a day, or working from home as much as you can. Take regular breaks throughout the day and make sure you get plenty of sleep if you are tired.
Look After Yourself
When we’re injured, we focus on the injury. We find ways to build up strength and recover, but many of us neglect other elements of our health. While your body is fighting to recover, it needs more attention. You might find that your immune system needs a little help and that you are more tired as your body works harder to heal. Getting plenty of sleep is a fantastic start, but you should also drink lots of water, avoid too much alcohol, eat a healthy diet and also condor a vitamin supplement to give you an extra boost.
Be Prepared for Set-Backs
Unfortunately, recoveries rarely go exactly to plan. Many people find that after weeks of starting to feel better, their recovery halts or even starts to go backwards. This might be because you are pushing too hard or not getting enough rest. It’s often your body's way of telling you that it needs more time. Don’t worry. It doesn’t mean that you will get better. It just means that you need to listen to your body and give it more time.
Reward Yourself
Recovering from an injury is tough, and you might find that your mental health takes a knock, as well as your body. You might want to see a therapist, but either way, reward yourself for your hard work, whether or not it’s paying off as quickly as you’d like it to.
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