Spring Into Health: 5 Spring Cleaning Ideas For Your Body

April 4, 2023

Spring is the perfect time to make positive changes to your health and well-being. Now that the days are longer and the weather is getting warmer, it is the perfect opportunity to extend the seasonal spring cleaning to your body too. After all, our bodies go through a lot during the winter months, from reduced direct sunlight exposure to carb-heavy diets. It is time for a reboot ahead of the warm season. 

Here are some ideas to make the most of the season and spring into health after the end of winter. But first of all, a word of warning. Winter is typically associated with minor weight gain. If this is your case too, be assured that gaining weight in winter is a natural phenomenon. Indeed, winter has a lot of family gatherings packed with delicious food. Even if you pay close attention to what you eat, you are likely to give in from time to time and indulge a little. Additionally, your body naturally craves more carbs in winter. It is a natural response to the long nights, the short days, and the cold and gloomy weather. In other words, if your body is a little heavier at the end of winter than it was at the start of it, remember to be kind to yourself. It is okay, and this spring health program is designed to fire up your metabolism again. 

Get some sun

Finally, the days are getting visibly longer! Therefore, the first and most important step of spring cleaning your body is to make the most of the sunlight. Direct exposure has a lot of benefits, as sunlight is part of our body’s vitamin D production. 

But there is a lot more to it than meets the eye. Sunlight can help transform your metabolism. Indeed, sunlight is energetic information that communicates with our brain and cells to support their functions. Your eyes have photoreceptors which undergo a chemical change when they absorb light. This acts as a trigger for your metabolism, which kicks off hormonal, genetic, and many other processes. In winter, exposure to natural light is limited, and this can throw off all physiological activities. 

Support your immune system

Sunlight can help strengthen your metabolism, which, of course, will support your immune system. But for many Americans, spring is also a season of allergic reactions. Pollen and grass are some of the most common allergens, which can lead to sneezes, runny noses, and teary eyes. In other words, seasonal changes in nature could bring your immune system down. That’s why you should consider taking vitamins this spring to support your immunologic response and reduce seasonal allergies. 

Eat more fresh ingredients

Finally, as the weather is getting warmer, you can ditch the typical winter foods. There is nothing wrong with winter dishes. However, many can be heavy in fat and carbs. Additionally, store-bought meals can often seem more convenient than cooking from scratch in winter. After all, why should you spend hours preparing a casserole when you can find a ready-made dish in stores that needs only reheating? Thankfully, the spring weather encourages you to diversify your diet and bring back more fresh vegetables and fruits. 

As a result, you are less likely to rely on processed foods, which are low in nutrients. Simple dishes with fresh mushrooms, asparagus, tomatoes, zucchini, and many other fresh produce, are packed with vitamins and minerals.

Cut down the carbs

As explained, the spring sun boosts your metabolism and your mood. Did you know that lack of direct sunlight exposure in winter leads to cravings? If you find yourself unable to resist carbs and sugar in winter, this is directly connected to the photoreceptors in your eyes. Light therapy can help reduce these cravings. But now that spring is here; you may find those cravings are reducing. It’s good news! 

Cutting down carbs can bring more vitamins and minerals to your diet. You are more likely to consume more greens! If you are worried about feeling hungry with a low-carb meal, here’s a tip for you. As you cut down your carbs, you should increase your protein intake at the same time. Protein such as fish, meat, or egg can keep you full for longer. Besides, you can use it as an excuse to consume more fresh produce by pairing your protein with a homemade sauce, such as this lime crema recipe

Be more active

As a rule of thumb, you should have 15 minutes of direct and unprotected exposure to sunlight every day. Why not pair it with outdoor activities, such as jogging or yoga? Being more active can boost your metabolism, increasing your energy level, immune system effectiveness, and good mood! 

Spring is a season of renewal, so why not turn it into a pledge to renew your metabolic functions too? These few tips can help you get ready for a summer of health!

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