How To Have An Adventure When You’re Travelling

June 21, 2023

Travelling is such an exciting thing to do, and it opens up a world (literally!) of possibilities. You can do so many things while you’re away, but a lot of the time, people stick to what they know, either because they like the safety of their comfort zone or they don’t know how to do anything else. But if you want to have an adventure, doing pretty much the same thing as you would at home seems like a waste of time. That’s why it’s good to know how to have an adventure when you’re travelling; read on for some tips. 

Be Spontaneous 

One of the most important elements of having adventures when you travel is being spontaneous. Of course, you need to have an itinerary, otherwise you won’t know what to do, and you might miss out on things you really want to see, but that itinerary should be flexible where possible so that if a better idea presents itself, you can change your plans and take advantage of what you’ve been offered - this is where adventure lies. 

When you say yes to spontaneous ideas and decisions, whether that’s going to a local festival (or even joining in with one), trying a new type of food, taking an unplanned hike, or anything else, you’ll find you are able to have a lot more fun and have many more exciting memories to enjoy when you return. 

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone 

There is your comfort zone, where it’s safe and secure, and you know everything, and then, just outside it, is an adventure. By stepping outside that comfort zone, just while you’re away from home (although if it works for you, it’s certainly something you can do at other times of your life if you need to), you’ll be able to have some amazing adventures. 

It’s all about challenging yourself to try new things and to stop being afraid of those things. Push yourself beyond what you’re used to, and rather than ruining your travels, you’ll enhance them and really be able to say you had an adventure. Of course, taking time to relax and be in your comfort zone is great too - just try to mix things up a bit. 

Go Off The Beaten Path

If you’re travelling to a popular tourist destination, there will be certain tourist attractions that everyone goes to see. There might even be ‘tourist restaurants’ and shops and more. These will be lovely, catering to your needs and giving you something to enjoy while you’re away, but they’re not an adventure. 

An adventure is when you travel off the beaten path and try things without knowing what the outcome will be. You could even extend this idea and take one of the best film cameras with you so you won’t know what your photos are like until you get home - that’s exciting, just as it’s exciting to do things that most tourists never would. 

You do need to make sure you’re doing safe things, though, and it’s never wise to risk your safety or anyone else’s just to have an adventure. Weigh up the pros and cons, and be sure you’re safe before you set off on whatever adventure it is you’ve chosen. 


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