Bidet or No Bidet? That is the Question!

July 29, 2023

If you’ve ever been to Europe, you’ll be fortunate enough to experience hotels that offer a bathroom with a bidet alongside the standard toilet and bath. It may seem like something that’s unnecessary for a bathroom, but until you experience the absolute joy that comes with knowing you are upgrading your hygiene, you won’t know what you’re missing.

Using a bidet after the bathroom is a great way to upgrade your hygiene, and maintenance of your hygiene should be an absolutely top priority for you. You may not realize what goes into installing a bidet into your house, but if you have heard of using one to be able to clean yourself better after using the bathroom, you’ll soon be figuring out the Toto S7 Washlet and getting the right fixtures ready! A bidet doesn't just upgrade your bathroom, either, it adds value to the house and changes your hygiene. All of that is amazing when you think about it. So, if you need further reasons to choose a bidet, we have every reason you should say yes!

  1. They’re way better than toilet paper. When you use toilet paper, you are irritating your bottom every time. There is also the risk of leftover residue (cue the ick!) whenever you use it. This can cause other hygiene issues, but you’re looking at UTIs and thrush as the main ones. Swapping your toilet paper for a bidet prevents this from happening as the bidet sprays water up to the genital and rectal area to wash away any residue left behind. You no longer irritate your skin with paper and you get into the nooks and crannies!

  2. You can work to prevent illness. Hygiene is the main reason we bath or shower regularly. No one wants to be smelly or covered in grime, right? It can be better for everyone to prevent illnesses rather than deal with further issues, and with a bidet you’ll be able to prevent infectious diseases from spreading and becoming a bigger hazard. If you’re struggling to practice good hygiene - or the kids are - you can use a bidet to prevent further illness.

  3. They’re a great soother. If you’re dealing with hemorrhoids or you are heavily pregnant, a bidet can be an excellent help. Hemorrhoids are not easy to deal with and they can be very uncomfortable. As the bidet uses water to clean, you can bet that this will feel far more soothing on the bottom than a rougher piece of toilet paper. You want to be able to relieve pressure and pain and the jet stream from a bidet can do that for you.

  4. They’re amazing if you’re pregnant. Trying to get around a large bump to wipe after you use the bathroom is harder as pregnancy moves forward. However, if you have a bidet in the bathroom, keeping up with hygiene around a growing belly isn't going to be so difficult. You don't have to strain to reach around yourself, and if you’re dealing with pelvic pain, you can feel comfortable while you clean after yourself.

  5. It benefits everyone. From seniors with mobility problems to toddlers learning to use the toilet for the first time, bidets benefit everyone. Men and women benefit as much as each other, and preventing bacterial build up is so much easier with the help of a bidet. You can even use bidets to prevent prostate inflammation and many men aren't aware of that! 

  6. Your hands stay cleaner. When you don't have to wipe private areas that are covered in fecal matter or urine, you don't risk your hands coming into contact with it. It’s very easy to get urine and fecal matter on your hands even if you’re careful, so you need to figure out a way around that. For cleaner hands, a bidet allows you to have minimal contact with any of your intimate areas on the toilet. Sure, you’ll still need to wash your hands after using the bathroom, but that is an easier job when you can feel confident you haven't splashed!

You’ll improve your skin care, too. Bidets are so good for your skin with your undercarriage. Soothing the rectal area and reducing possible skin irritation is much easier with a stream of water rather than rough toilet paper. You’ll see the benefits right away and if you have an existing skin condition, you’ll notice the difference. Some bidets even have drying options so you don't have to feel uncomfortable again.

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