Top Signs You Have a Healthy Dog

July 6, 2023

Have you ever sat back and wondered whether your dog is really a happy one? Most dog owners care a lot about whether they have happy pooches and the reason for that is they see their dog as a member of the family: as they should! As a loving, happy dog owner, it’s your responsibility to care for your pet both physically and mentally. Dogs especially need a lot of love and attention and if you aren't able to give a dog that time and love, you shouldn't have one in the house. 

You need to feel comfortable with the dog you have but you should also ensure that they themselves are as comfortable as possible. You need to do that by ensuring that your dog is healthy and happy, and that means knowing the signs that your dog is at their best. From using websites like to research the next level of pet food, to ensuring that you are taking your dog on regular walks, being proactive about your dog and their health is vital so that they live long, happy and healthy lives. With this article, you can look out for their physical fitness as much as their mental wellbeing. Here are the top signs that your dog is a healthy one!

  1. They are happy and playful. A happy dog is regularly playful. They’ll be happy to see you - visibly so - and they will love to enjoy play sessions and walks with you. Those tail wags will be flying for a reason and it’s because they want to be in your presence. A healthy dog is active and will communicate that with you by bowing to the ground, licking your face and dancing around your feet. If you notice your dog happily jumping about your feet, you’re going to know they are happier to be around you than anything else. 

  2. Their skin and coat is healthy and soft. Stressed out dogs have bland coats that are dull and dry. The overall conditions of their skin and coat will give you a good indication of their health and if you want to ensure that your dog is in good health, you have to keep an eye on their coat. Whether they have short or long hair, you want their coat to be pliable and smooth as opposed to coarse and brittle. There shouldn't be bald spots or dandruff, either. It shouldn't be greasy or flaky and their skin should be soft. Regular grooming and checking should help you to understand whether your dog is going to have any issues.

  3. They poop. It’s an obvious one, but a dog that isn't pooping, is pooping too much or is making runny poops is not a dog that is in the best health. Healthy bowel movements are a must for a happy and healthy pup, and that means looking for a slightly firm consistency with a medium colour. There shouldn't be any worms, eggs, mucus or blood in their stool and it shouldn't be discolored in any way. If your dogs’ bowel movements have changed, you need to consider whether it’s due to stress or allergies, parasites, infections and more. If there is a disease present, you’ll know about it rather quickly.

  4. They pee! Dogs love to mark territory with their urine and it should be of a normal colour and consistency at all times, but mostly it should be regular urination. Urinary issues can cause pain and discomfort, and it should eb a yellow colour, so you know they’re not dehydrated. It shouldn't be orange as this is a good sign of jaundice and gallbladder issues, liver disease or damaged blood cells. If your dog is urinating red or pink, there could be an issue with a UTI - which isn't just a human problem! There could even be problems if your dog is urinating in the house so make a point of checking for other health issues. Pay attention to all and any changes as you’ll be able to pinpoint something early rather than too late.

  5. They have shiny, clean ears. Dog ears are super sensitive and a healthy dog has clean ears that are odor free. It’s super normal for their ears to get dirty and keeping their ears clean is a part of their routine that’s vital. Grooming should always include ear cleaning as without it, they can become bunged up and infected. The skin inside their ears should be light pink and clean to the eyes, and it should smell good. Any foul odors should not be present at all, and there should be no hair blocking their ears, either. Any signs of inflammation and redness should be checked with a vet right away. There should also be no blood or discharge present.

  1. Your dog sleeps well. Without sleep, your dog cannot recharge or repair and so you need your dog to be well-rested. Dogs do sleep way more than we do, and a healthy dog often naps and sleeps up to 16 hours a day. A growing puppy sleeps longer than an adult dog but if your dog starts sleeping abnormally long hours, that also needs checking out. If they don't sleep enough they may be uncomfortable or distressed and if you notice any changes that are out of the ordinary, then you should get them checked at the vet as soon as possible. 

  2. Their eyes are bright - and wet. Dogs eyes should be clear, shiny and without any discharge. They should have wet and not dry, scratchy eyes, and they should never have a yellow or red tinge in their eyes, either. They shouldn't have any eyelashes rubbing their eyeballs and they shouldn't be agitated because of pain. If you notice any changes in their eyes, speak to the vet because any issues can cause blindness.

  3. They’re energetic. Happy dogs are bouncy dogs and healthy dogs should be appropriately energetic. They should want to spend more time with you and they should greet you at the door, be happy to see you and be ready for playtime when they spot you. Appropriate energy levels are easy to notice due to breed, and you will tell if there is something wrong with your dog because they will be much less energetic than you think.

  4. They’re a healthy weight. Your dog shouldn't be too fat, nor should they be too thin. Happy and healthy dogs have a balanced weight and you should keep their diet as balanced as possible to ensure that this is the case! Too many unhealthy treats leads to obesity and obese dogs can develop some serious problems. If you notice that your dog has dropped a lot of weight, you should take them for a check up.

Every dog is different, but all dogs need to be looked after properly. A happy and comfortable dog is one that is calm with their family, happy and ready to be looked after. If you look after your dog properly, they will be healthier and more in love with you than ever before. If you have a dog that seems stressed and anxious, then you need to consider what the underlying causes may be and do better for your dog in the future. The only way you’ll be able to do any of this is by keeping an eye on your pet pooch so that you can be aware of any changes that occur ASAP!

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