Your Happiness Matters Too, And It's Time You Realized That

April 20, 2024

One of the things that people forget as they get older, have kids, get involved with a partner and so on is that your happiness matters too. It’s not just about the other people in your life, it’s also about you. The good news is that there are certain things that you can do to prioritize your happiness, and it’s time that you start doing them sometimes. Of course, there are going to be times where you have to put this on the backburner, but it should never be forgotten about.

In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the suggestions that we think you should try out in order to put your happiness first sometimes. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

Start Exercising, It Helps

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First, we’re going to recommend that you start exercising because it does help. You might think that the only thing exercise is good for is giving you a stitch, making you pant like a dog, and generally making you want to lay down on the floor and go to sleep forever. However, once you push past this initial stage, everything gets better. Once you have completed your workout you will find yourself feeling more refreshed and energized than you have in a long time. Yes, you’re going to be sweating and panting, but that’s all part of it.

You just need to get yourself into a routine of exercising and then stick to it. There will come a time where you find yourself wanting to exercise, wanting to feel those endorphins rushing around your body, making you feel better. It doesn’t have to be a nightmare, it can actually be amazing for you, you just have to get past that initial block that you have set for yourself that says that you hate doing it. 

Take Up A Hobby You Love

Perhaps there is a hobby that you know you love, but you had to give it up for various reasons a while ago. If this is the case, why can’t you get back into it? There should be no excuses, you should do your research into how you can get back into the thing that you once loved, and then you should get started with it. You can find some time in your schedule, even if you think that you can’t. There should always be times for the things that you love or the things that make you happy, even if that means creating time that didn’t really exist in the first place.

Or, instead of going back to an old hobby, perhaps you would like to focus on going for something new. Take a look at and try out a range of different hobbies to try and get your groove back. There’s absolutely no reason that you shouldn’t have something that is yours, that you enjoy to look forward to. Everyone else has one, don’t they? You deserve one too.

Buy Yourself A Little Treat

There is nothing wrong with buying yourself a little treat from time to time. Sometimes, we just need that feeling that we get when we press purchase and we have bought ourselves a lovely little present. For example, it might be something super small like a plushie that you saw and fell in love with, or it might be a new pair of shoes or something like this. The point of this is that you need to have something that is completely impractical and is not used for anything else around the house.

Buying yourself a treat is a lovely feeling, and we don’t want you to feel guilty about it. Of course, you should not be doing this if you are struggling and you are on a super tight budget as there are other things that need to be paid. But, if you have paid all of your bills and you are up to date with everything, why should you not be allowed to get yourself a little something?

Have A Day To Yourself Sometimes

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We’re sure that you have had days in the past where you just sat there and wished that you could have a day to yourself. Well, it’s time to start granting your own wishes, because if you need a break, then you need a break. You can’t keep trying to go around this and talking yourself out of it, because eventually you will run yourself into the ground. It’s hard when you know that you have responsibilities and things that need to be taken care of, but it’s harder to reach the point where you are so burnt out that you cannot function anymore.

What good are you to anyone if you can’t function? The reason you’re not giving yourself a break is because you say that people need you, but you can’t not look after yourself for the sake of this. Just take a single day to yourself to do whatever you want to do whether that’s go out, go to bed, have a nice hot bath on your own, or whatever. By the time the day is finished, you will feel so much happier in yourself, and in your life. 

Make Sure You’re Getting Outside

Staying inside all of the time is not good for you. We’re sure that there is a good reason for you to avoid the outside world if you do this, but unfortunately it’s not going to help your overall mental health and happiness. The reason that we mention this is because humans thrive on natural light and being outside with nature on a subconscious level. You will always feel a little better when you are outside, because you can really soak in the beauty of the world. 

We recommend trying to get outside at least once per day, even if you’re just heading out on a short, half an hour walk. You will likely come to find that you look forward to this part of your day, and that you feel happier when you are doing it. 

Do The Things That You Enjoy

Make a list of some of the things that you enjoy, and then make sure that you are making time for them in your life. If you have kids, then maybe some of them you can do with your kids as they might enjoy them too. The ones that you can’t, you can always ask someone to watch them for a little while every now and then so that you can do what you enjoy. Or, if you don’t want to do that, you can wait until they are tucked up in bed to start doing the things that you enjoy. You should never cut out these things from your life, as they are important to your happiness. 

Doing things that you enjoy doing is all part of being happy in life. If you are constantly only doing things that make you unhappy or that you are indifferent to, then where are the smiles? Where’s the joy? Your happiness matters, and you need to take control, doing things that make you feel good.

Put Effort Into Relationships

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We also think that it’s important to mention that you should be putting effort into relationships. What we mean by this is that whether it’s a family member, a friend, a partner, or whoever else, you need to be putting effort into that relationship to make it work. But, relationships are two sided, and they need to be putting in effort where it counts too and you should not let them forget that. 

It’s very easy to get to a point where you can’t be bothered anymore, and you think that just because you are comfortable with that person that it’s going to be okay if you stop trying. It’s not. You constantly need to be trying with them, engaging in conversation with them, communicating with them about how you are feeling and so on. We understand that this can be tough for some people, but you just have to learn. When your relationships are all on a solid footing, we promise that you will feel so much better and happier, not having to worry about this side of things. 

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you need to do in order to be happy in your life. At the end of the day, we often forget about our own happiness in place of someone else’s, but this is no way to live. You need to be putting your best foot forward for yourself at all times, ensuring that you are happy the same way that you are constantly trying to make sure that everyone else is happy. While it might not come easily at first, stick with it, and remember that you are important too. We wish you all the luck in the world with this.

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