Looking for a way to get everyone in the family out of the house? We might have found the perfect gift for kids and adults that are kids at heart! This year, Buzz Bee Toys is making it simple with all-new dart blasters! Whether for a Christmas morning blaster battle or keeping occupied indoors during the cold winter months, the Air Warriors Mutator and Adventure Force Max Morpher by Buzz Bee Toys make the perfect gift for any member of the family this holiday season - and they’re both under $40! Either of these is perfect to get your family moving, out of the house and active in hands-on play. Believe me, I'm the 1st to admit my family spends way too much time in the house focused on some sort of electronic devices.
Pro tip from a mom here: make sure to get extra darts for extra fun play because you are gonna need them. My 12 and 18-year-olds have been playing with these every day since we have got them. Both of these blasters are well made and are great for building hand-eye coordination. They are easy to load and pretty much ready to go right out of the package. These are defiantly a toy that will get lots of playtime and enjoyment for all!
Pro tip from a mom here: make sure to get extra darts for extra fun play because you are gonna need them. My 12 and 18-year-olds have been playing with these every day since we have got them. Both of these blasters are well made and are great for building hand-eye coordination. They are easy to load and pretty much ready to go right out of the package. These are defiantly a toy that will get lots of playtime and enjoyment for all!

Air Warriors Mutator by Buzz Bee Toys: The Mutator by Buzz Bee Toys offers unparalleled versatility that allows users to expand the barrel, transform the blaster and select distance blasting up to 100 feet or extreme accuracy with Precise-Pro darts. MSRP $34.99, Ages 6+, Available exclusively at Target.

Adventure Force Max Morpher by Buzz Bee Toys: The Adventure Force Max Morpher by Buzz Bee Toys is a 4-in-1 dart blaster that will transform right before your eyes! Fold-out the stock or fold out the barrel to use the blaster in either pistol or rifle position. With blasting power up to 100 feet, you can easily keep the competition away! MSRP $19.97, Ages 8+, Available exclusively at Walmart.
These are just a few of the products offered by Buzz Bee Toys. For more information make sure to follow them on all their social media to stay up to date on all new releases of toys from Instagram, Youtube, and Facebook.
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